Whether you are looking to deepen your own practice or teach this to others, there is something for you here.

Join Anne Douglas, George McFaul and myself as we guide you through a 50 hour immersion over the course of 2 weekends in 2 months.

You can continue on to get certified with an additional 50 hours, with us, after you have completed the immersion.
The certification program will run a few months after the module ends.

This is part of a 200 or 300 hour Meditation Teacher Training run through YogaMcc. Our module can be taken as part of the training or it can stand alone.


"The YNTT was a beautiful integrative experience that enabled me to deepen my understanding of Yoga Nidra practice, to explore pathways through key elements of the practice, and to develop my own voice and creativity in offering Yoga Nidra as guided meditation practice. As I learned to share this tradition with others, every aspect of my own yoga practice was enriched: breath sensing, body sensing, drawing upon inner resources, visualization and more. Each of the instructors were seasoned masters -- the depth of their pooled experience was inspiring. I highly recommend this course to other seekers!"