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HY Live
Upcoming live workshops. There is usually an online option for the live workshops.

Post Workshop
After you've completed the workshop, there are classes and memberships to support you.

If you prefer 1:1, private groups or would like to have me at your studio, inquire here.
"When I first heard of Hormone Yoga (HY) I thought to myself, “now that would be something worth trying!” Unfortunately, that was 4 years ago. Since then, I turned 43, work stress took over (I’m an elementary teacher), toss in a global pandemic, significant weight gain, and I have become nothing short of a hormonal mess.
One random day in September as school was starting up, an invitation from Bridgette appeared on my Facebook page to join her for a free online introduction session to the HY warmups. I have dabbled in a variety of different yoga classes including hot yoga, yoga nidra, and flow yoga. All of these were in person and many years ago.
I’m not a fan of online learning, in fact, I despise it. Reluctantly I signed up. The class was very welcoming, and Bridgette stayed in the meeting after the class to answer all my questions. My online learning barrier started to break down and a week later I decided to commit to a 6-month online Hormone Yoga Therapy membership.
Since starting HY 3 months ago I have lost 44 pounds (the “Slimming Exercises” must work) and co-workers at school have noticed a “glow” about me and a bounce in my step. I have more sustained energy throughout the day, less food cravings, and am more patient at work and at home with my own kids and husband. I have made HY a priority by finding time to practice every morning and it has become a favourite part of my day!
If you are reluctant to sign up for “just another online learning class”, I promise you that this is different. It doesn’t feel disconnected in any way. Bridgette is an amazing wise teacher and guide (I’ve had plenty of experience with many different teachers in a variety of fields) and it’s as if she’s coaching me directly. Through her instructional videos she has found a unique, honest, and extraordinary way to connect to my needs as a student. I look forward to seeing Bridgette on my screen and learning from her daily at my own pace in my home. I have been fortunate to attend two of her live sessions and as a bonus have discovered a community of like-minded friendly women who support and feed each other’s soul. I didn’t think or believe this was even possible in an online setting.
Thank you, Bridgette, for being my guide on this journey to a better me through HY. I’m enjoying getting to know this more balanced fun version of myself."
Catherine Irwin, B. Mus., B.Ed.
Elementary Music Teacher, CBE
Age, 43.